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We protect you from fraudulent offers, requests and direct debits.




We buy for you!

We handle your purchases in order to ensure that you save money and time, and more importantly, that you always get the best value for your money. Furthermore, we make these purchases with our own credit card, in order to avoid fraudulent charges. All you have to do is tell us what you would like to buy online.


We risk for you!

Can't get along with a buyer or seller?
With NKEIH, you don't have to worry about scams or fraud. Our service guarantees the security of every transaction, so you can buy or sell with full assurance and safety.


We think for you!

The Internet can be a shady and strange place, with offers from all over the world constantly pouring into your inbox. That's where we come in to help you decide between what's good and what's not. Is it a prize you've won? Is it a request or an offer from a stranger? NKEIH will help you make the right decision.

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What is NKEIH?

NKEIH is a product of BUYSAFE LLC, a leading and trusted provider of personal shopping and online safety services. We are committed to providing you with the best online shopping and transaction experience, focusing on three values: reliability, customer service and uniqueness.


Founded in 2021 by ABDEL Z. TALOMBI, NKEIH is a team of internet users concerned with helping others avoid falling victim to scams on internet platforms. We use our extensive knowledge about scams along with our team of analysts, data scientists and researchers - all hard working - to identify fraudulent sites before they can harm anyone else. And we're constantly adding new features to provide even better protection for our users.

We help you find the best deal online; we offer full protection for all your transactions, with no expensive services or hidden fees. We also offer free 24/7 live support, guaranteed purchase protection and real-time transaction alerts.


Year of creation


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30 N. Gould St. Ste R, Sheridan,
WY 82801, USA

Phone: +1 (562) 270-6597

WhatsApp: +1 (562) 270-6597

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